WILD CLUB is a unique combination of adventure, exploration and deep coaching, with more than a few surprises thrown in for good measure. You will be pushed physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, and experience a depth of connection with yourself and with your team that you never knew was possible. 

Imagine going on a 5-day experience where you LIVE an adventure, spend your time with other brilliant, interesting, powerful people, and come out on the other side having shifted your life into exactly the direction you desire. 

If your heart fluttered, your eyes widened, your smile grew and you had to restrain yourself from giggling, then you’re in the right place. 

Welcome to WILD CLUB

Wild club

WILD CLUB is for you if:

WILD CLUB is NOT for you if:

Adventure changed my life for the better. But when I began to approach it on purpose, with the intention of using it as a lever to create my dream life, my whole world opened up.

This is not your average adventure trip.

This is adventure into transformation.

WILD CLUB is a chance to dive into the unknown and experience things you didn’t believe were possible for you. You’ll explore the farthest and wildest reaches of your soul, and discover resources that you didn’t know you had.  As a group, you will integrate these experiences and lessons back into your life, your business and your relationships. And on top of all that, you will have a kickass adventure with some of the most interesting entrepreneurs and adventurers you’ve ever met.

How will your life be transformed?
  • Discover the intrinsic connection between leadership, spirituality and adventure.
  • Bring a strong sense of groundedness and stability to your leadership
  • Clarify your purpose and ignite a clear vision of your future. 
  • Connect more deeply with yourself than you have before, and use that deep inner knowing to remove obstacles you’ve previously placed in your path.
  • Nurture deeper, more meaningful and trusting relationships in all areas of life – family, friends, romantic, and business.
  • Create and follow through on a path forward in your business or career while handling any obstacles that come up.
  • Bring a greater sense of resilience to life’s greatest challenges.

What are the details?

With a maximum of just 10 participants, this will be a truly intimate experience like no other. You’ll walk away with an entirely new appreciation for what’s possible for you.

The experience will be designed around YOU, the participants.

The next WILD CLUB will take place in BC, Canada
→ Jan 30 – Feb 3, 2023 ←

Find out more about this once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Meet your coach

Tom Lancaster

Tom is a transformational coach and Founder of ALTITUDE Evolution, based in Squamish, BC. His sweet spot is the intersection between adventure, consciousness and leadership, and through the exploration of these three areas, he is building an entirely new way of looking at human consciousness from the ground up, Adventure Consciousness.

After years of exploring the outdoors, pushing himself to the limit, searching for answers to life’s deepest questions, he has discovered that we all have everything we need already within us. The software is already programmed, we just need to learn how to use it. Through his unique combination of leadership training, adventure and spiritual practice, Tom’s gift is helping unsatisfied over-achievers like you embark on the biggest adventure life has to offer, the journey back home to yourself

See what people are saying about working with ALTITUDE

"My work with Tom has shifted my perspective in ways that has led to exponential growth, breakthroughs, and insights I never dreamt possible in such a short time."

When I first met with Tom I was in a place of transition from one entrepreneurial landscape to another. I was very much in a mindset of action and getting things done and had a decent amount of fear around the timeline I had set out for myself for hitting the ground running and achieving some big financial goals. I was looking for tools, strategies, and hacks to expedite my transition, satiate my anxiety, and to attract success from outside of myself. After just one session with, I uncovered a deeper, more profound desire than the one I had walked in with.

Tom helped me to realize that my real goal was to provide exponential value for my clients, be of service in massively impactful ways, and to reconnect to a deep sense of being from which the miraculous could emerge. Needless to say, we started our coaching around that instead of my surface-level desire for instant success and money and the session that followed were transformative.

Tom is inquisitive and a genuinely phenomenal listener. He hears not only the words that you share but also picks up on the feelings behind them and the energetic shifts that occur within you during your time with him and in how you show up after the time between sessions.

Tom could see the greatness in me the moment I walked in the door and had the commitment and courage to call me out when I am playing smaller than my vision or not in alignment with my highest purpose. He tells me the truths that no one else is brave enough to and holds me accountable to the huge goals and huge impact I am creating in the world. My work with him has shifted my perspective in ways that has led to exponential growth, breakthroughs, and insights I never dreamt possible in such a short time.

My life is a completely different place since working with Tom and I can not put a price on that. My experience with him has been and continues to be exponentially valuable and a profoundly game-changing, paradigm-shifting experience.

Vancouver, Canada

“I had no idea how close to my dream life I actually was”

“Thank you so much for your time and energy. It’s hard to put into words how much this means to me. While I love being around people, talking and sharing, I rarely find myself in a position where I am being questioned so honestly without being able to divert conversation away from myself. I’m used to the shoe being on the other foot. If I’m honest it makes me feel uncomfortable but that only suggests we are getting down to the nitty gritty where real change happens.

For the first time since I started my agroecology project, I’m feeling rock solid in my resolve to put my energy where I know it will serve me and the business best. Simply giving voice to these ideas brings them to life, and now they are out in the world. I have since appeared on TV twice, I’m in conversation with some major brands about collaboration, I have more volunteers on the farm than I know what to do with. I’ve reconnected with my yoga practice and given up sugar - I feel like I have so much more energy to drive this project forwards!

Byron Bay, Australia
Hungry earth agroecology 

"In ten weeks working with Tom I achieved more in my business than in the last ten years"

"The chemistry was immediate and super positive. Together we worked through a series of critical exercises to isolate my true superpower that I have to share with the world. Meanwhile, Tom helped me look my true self in the eyes and see the passion that drives me for what it really is. How can you build your brand if you are fooling yourself about what your true motives are and where your passion actually lies?"

Squamish, Canada

Find out more about this once-in-a-lifetime experience.