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Empowering Ferocity - ALTITUDE Evolution

Empowering Ferocity

I woke up this morning feeling flat, anxious, confused, and scared.

It’s not a new feeling. It happens every time I get uncomfortable. But only emotional discomfort. Physical discomfort I’ve got pretty much locked in.

But when I feel like I don’t know how things are going to turn out in my emotional world (which includes work, relationships, and so much more) that’s when I retreat into my stories and beliefs.

It’s when I start to self sabotage. To call up all the evidence that supports the old story, and disempowers the new.

The discomfort I’m experiencing right now is twofold.


1) Structure

I am trying to empower the new daily structures I have put into place around meditation, writing, exercise and ocean dips. I am 14 days into 2021, and what was, in the first week, new, fun and interesting, has become normal, ordinary, mundane.

One of my core motivations is to experience life fully, to seek variety, fun, and stimulation all the time. When things become normal and mundane, the stimulation dwindles, the sense of fun dissolves, and I begin a quest for new stimulation.

I’ve noticed a dip in my enthusiasm for sharing videos and writing around the daily plunge. It’s harder and harder to wake up each morning at 5.45 to start the day with meditation. This morning, I lay in bed playing chess on my phone instead of doing any of the things I’m in theory empowering myself to do.

Things show up in my schedule that interfere with the structures, and my natural inclination is to proclaim the whole endeavour a failure and throw the baby out with the bathwater, seeking refuge in something new, shiny and exciting.


2) Adventure Consciousness

Yesterday I was chatting with the amazing Sarah Albritton. During our time together, she was called to pull some cards from a new deck she has been playing with (https://www.thedeckofcharacter.com/)

Reflecting during my coaching session today on the cards that were drawn (Dragon, Hole, Jail Cell, Spatula) I have realised how beneficial more ferocity would be in my life. How I keep myself trapped in my fears and insecurities by doing the EXACT OPPOSITE of what I preach…playing small, not putting myself out there, staying in my cave.

It’s time to get really honest. Radically vulnerable. I have been holding back out of fear, and just like my ocean plunge challenge, this is the exact reason I need to empower the underdeveloped ferocity that lies within me, a sleeping dragon whose pile of gold will draw all the right people to me. It is time to really step out of the cave.

We are launching a mastermind in just over a month, called The Zenith Project, and the truth is we don’t know what this mastermind is going to be.

And that is the beauty of it. The entire enterprise is a big leap into the unknown, and the invitation to play is an exciting one.

I’ve been holding back, afraid to admit anything less than perfection. But it is time to flip my perspective.

What Curtis and I are offering to the world is a chance to be at the forefront of the development of a new consciousness. To play a part in the creation of something new.

We hold the keys to an entirely new way of looking at human consciousness, and we are offering you the chance to be a part of it in it’s rawest, most nebulous form.

For the pioneering at heart, this is a golden opportunity. For those adventurous souls who want to play at the cutting edge of what it means to be a human, this is irresistible.

Where I am certain, where ferocity is easy to find within me, is that Adventure Consciousness is a thing. The convolution of adventure and spirituality, adventure outwards into the world, and adventure deep within ourselves.

It is a powerful space to play, explore, learn and grow.

Where I am certain is that this mastermind will be a life changing experience for everyone involved. It will bring together threads from leadership, manifestation, energy work, ancestral trauma, peak states and flow, radical vulnerability, inner child processes, and achieving the impossible.

It will form the foundation of everything Curtis and I do over the next few years – books, documentaries, experiences, you name it.

So the question is, do you want to play?

Shoot me an email at tom@altitudeevolution.com to find out more.