
What it's like to work with Tom

Here’s what it’s like working with Tom, in the words of his clients. 

Phil M


Phil, a former partner at one of the world’s largest financial institutions, is a financial coach for 6 and 7-figure entrepreneurs.

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Charlotte W

Wild Days

Charlotte is an entrepreneur, a ski instructor, a coach and an author specialising in neurodiversity, parenthood, and helping women step into their divine femininity.

She wanted to get some clarity on her ‘North Star’ for her businesses.

Jody H

30 Day Challenge

Jody is a senior manager at a major communications company. She came looking for help building her coaching business, and dealing with fears around money, being seen, and taking risks.

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Ahmed H

30 Day Challenge

Ahmed is a scientist specialising in biotechnology.

Taking part in the 30 day challenge allowed him to discover his authenticity and adventurous side.




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