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One of the glorious things about having structure in your life, is it frees up so much energy for other things.

I wrote about it the other day in an article called “Freedom through structure”, in which I talk about how the more I add consciously into my schedule, the more I seem to be able to achieve.

Yesterday was a glorious reminder of the importance of rest.

As an Enneagram 7 and a Sagittarius, one of my core motivations is to experience life fully. I want all of the everything, and I want it now.

More ice cream. More adrenaline. More fun. More friends. More is more, always.

So what I’ve found over the course of the last 3 weeks of this challenge, is that despite fearing that this ocean challenge would swallow up my entire existence and prevent me from doing anything else for a month, in fact the opposite happened.

The last two weeks, particularly, have been chock full.

And yesterday was another one of those days.

I had plans to hike up a mountain, then to go for a plunge, then meet someone for lunch, then shop for the week, do laundry, clean the house, before going for a second plunge with someone else.

I was excited about this full day crammed with adventure and productivity.

And then the universe told me to stop.

One by one, the plans fell apart, all by themselves. The hike, the first plunge, the lunch, all cancelled.

And I haven’t been so relieved in a long time!

I hadn’t realised how much I needed some time to just be. To do nothing.

It was glorious.

I spoke to my family, who have been neglected for the last few weeks. I had donuts for breakfast at 11am. I hung out on clubhouse for a bit. (For the first time, it was actually pretty great!) I took the time to be with the cleaning and the laundry.

When I went for the sunset dip, I wasn’t rushing to get there, already drained from a full on day. I was able to be present and relaxed, and it was magical.

And this morning I woke up invigorated and ready to take on the week.