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Why? - ALTITUDE Evolution


I just saw a post in an entrepreneurs group I am part of which asked the following question:

“If you could create absolutely anything in 6 months, what would that be?”

I was astonished at the number of people (60+) whose response was simply a number – $10k/month, $1 million, etc. etc.

If I could create ANYTHING in 6 months, the money wouldn’t even factor into it.

It would be a solution to a global issue.

It would be giving back.

It would be a lifestyle I loved.

It would be about the IMPACT I want to create.

So many of us are conditioned to believe that they will have earned happiness when they cross a certain dollar threshold. Or when they finally have the perfect relationship. Or whatever.

It’s bullshit.

You can be rich without money. You can be oh so poor WITH money.

And when the dollar amount is the goal, you can bet your ass you’ll have an uphill battle to achieve it.

The truth is that happiness, success, wealth, joy, can ONLY be achieved if you know WHY you are doing what you are doing.

Hard work will get you somewhere, but is it where you want to go?

What is your reason for putting in the hours? Why is it important to you to do the work you are doing?

What is the impact YOU want to create in the world?

When you can answer these questions, and be genuinely excited about the answers, that is where success comes from.

And I don’t just mean financial success. I mean real success.

Time to do what you want, when you want with friends and family.


That impact thing I mentioned earlier.

So let me know in the comments…

What is your WHY?

If YOU could create anything in 6 months, what would it be?